Monday, May 27, 2019

Blog Update

The two or three of you who regularly read this blog may be wondering what is happening. The last few years I have posted more or less regularly every two weeks, but now it's been over a month! Have I run out of things to say? Have I retired? Has the success of the book killed the blog? No, no and no.

I have plenty more things to say, I am far from retired and the book, while successful, will probably serve to drive more readers to the blog (four or five, instead of two or three! ;-) ) rather than kill it. But, all that said, launching the book and the associated media work is taking some time, plus it's the busy season at work and, most critically, I would like to focus on a few other writing projects right now, so Vetography is going to go into light hibernation for a short while. 

So, much like a bear or a raccoon who snoozes through most of the winter, but still wakes up at random intervals to sniff the air and feed, Vetography will still wake up from time to time to share a brief post or perhaps re-post an old essay that seems relevant. Although this will be for the summer rather than the winter, and posting to a blog is not at all like feeding. Come to think of it, it's really a pretty shaky metaphor. I apologize.

Thank you for being one of those two or three and, as the saying goes, watch this space!