Every veterinarian gets this from time to time. We have just finished painstakingly explaining a complex medical condition to a client and then, after a brief silence, the client says, "Please repeat that in English!".
We have failed to communicate clearly. We have used jargon or at least we have used words that didn't seem like jargon to us, but clearly seemed that way to the client.
Why does this happen? Three reasons:
1) When we are first starting in practice we sometimes use big words and convoluted explanations to demonstrate our knowledge and win the client's trust in our competence. I looked very young when I graduated in 1990. I got called Doogie Howser a lot (the reference itself tells you how long ago that was...). Consequently I tried to impress with Latin. Look, I really am a doctor! I don't do that anymore. I don't need to. Now I get called "the old guy". I'm undecided which is better...
2) We don't want to insult clients by "dumbing it down". In reality only crazy people are insulted and there is no pleasing them anyway. Most clients who prefer that you use more technical language will politely tell you so, and often be pleased that they have the opportunity to tell you so.
3) We have "The Curse of Knowledge". This is the big one and the hardest one to overcome. A Stanford University researcher conducted an experiment whereby she asked people to tap out the rhythm of a well known song, like Happy Birthday or Mary Had A Little Lamb, and then asked other people to guess what the song was based on the tapping. The tappers predicted that 50% of the time the listeners would guess correctly. In reality only 3% of the listeners did! The tappers had "The Curse of Knowledge". It was impossible for them not to hear the tune in their minds while tapping and it was almost as impossible for them to be able to imagine someone not hearing it. Once you know something it is very difficult to recreate the state of mind that exists when you do not know it.
So, veterinarians can no longer put themselves in the minds of people who don't know the difference between a colon and a duodenum, or between an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory or, my favorite, between the abdomen and the stomach. We're not alone though. All professionals do this. Actually, all people with specialized knowledge do. Car mechanics and accountants are the worst in my experience.
What can we do about this? If we have certain regular spiels we should try them out on our unsuspecting family members or friends. And we should try to put ourselves in that unknowing frame of mind as often as possible. For my part, I am trying to learn to play the mountain dulcimer (yeah, yeah, whatever) and whenever my musical friends start talking about "the key of..." and "quarter tones" and whatnot they have The Curse of Knowledge and I feel like the drooling guy in the wool cap who delivers the fliers. This make me humble. This gives me empathy, and empathy is a key ingredient in effective communication.
I'll close with an illustrative anecdote. A few years ago an elderly lady came in with a little white fluffy dog. We'll call her Mrs. Winterbottom and the dog Priscilla. Mrs. Winterbottom was a very elegantly dressed woman with a lovely summer dress, matching shoes, matching handbag and even a matching hat. She spoke very properly and politely.
"Mrs. Winterbottom, we're going to need to run a fecal on Priscilla."
Blank look.
"I'd like to do a stool test."
Still blank.
"Um, so, do you think you can collect one of her... um... bowel movements?"
Dawning comprehension and a big smile.
"You mean bring her shit!"
I think I'll stick with "bowel movement".
We have failed to communicate clearly. We have used jargon or at least we have used words that didn't seem like jargon to us, but clearly seemed that way to the client.
Why does this happen? Three reasons:

2) We don't want to insult clients by "dumbing it down". In reality only crazy people are insulted and there is no pleasing them anyway. Most clients who prefer that you use more technical language will politely tell you so, and often be pleased that they have the opportunity to tell you so.
3) We have "The Curse of Knowledge". This is the big one and the hardest one to overcome. A Stanford University researcher conducted an experiment whereby she asked people to tap out the rhythm of a well known song, like Happy Birthday or Mary Had A Little Lamb, and then asked other people to guess what the song was based on the tapping. The tappers predicted that 50% of the time the listeners would guess correctly. In reality only 3% of the listeners did! The tappers had "The Curse of Knowledge". It was impossible for them not to hear the tune in their minds while tapping and it was almost as impossible for them to be able to imagine someone not hearing it. Once you know something it is very difficult to recreate the state of mind that exists when you do not know it.
So, veterinarians can no longer put themselves in the minds of people who don't know the difference between a colon and a duodenum, or between an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory or, my favorite, between the abdomen and the stomach. We're not alone though. All professionals do this. Actually, all people with specialized knowledge do. Car mechanics and accountants are the worst in my experience.
What can we do about this? If we have certain regular spiels we should try them out on our unsuspecting family members or friends. And we should try to put ourselves in that unknowing frame of mind as often as possible. For my part, I am trying to learn to play the mountain dulcimer (yeah, yeah, whatever) and whenever my musical friends start talking about "the key of..." and "quarter tones" and whatnot they have The Curse of Knowledge and I feel like the drooling guy in the wool cap who delivers the fliers. This make me humble. This gives me empathy, and empathy is a key ingredient in effective communication.
I'll close with an illustrative anecdote. A few years ago an elderly lady came in with a little white fluffy dog. We'll call her Mrs. Winterbottom and the dog Priscilla. Mrs. Winterbottom was a very elegantly dressed woman with a lovely summer dress, matching shoes, matching handbag and even a matching hat. She spoke very properly and politely.
"Mrs. Winterbottom, we're going to need to run a fecal on Priscilla."
Blank look.
"I'd like to do a stool test."
Still blank.
"Um, so, do you think you can collect one of her... um... bowel movements?"
Dawning comprehension and a big smile.
"You mean bring her shit!"
I think I'll stick with "bowel movement".
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